By the way, when continuation?
Continuation will be when Dia will write! Т_Т
Так пожалей их
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By the way, when continuation?
Continuation will be when Dia will write! Т_Т
Так пожалей их
Hidan is a pistitsid & bydlo-pedyk!
You all pistitsids, but Hidan only azart geimer!!!
You all pistitsids, but Hidan only azart geimer!!!
FinansGod: What the!?
Ну и ладно
Boss: Where is all? O:.:О
FinansGod: What the!?
#$^&!@*: Ou... Kuzya... Nothink))
Boss: Where is all? O:.
#$^&!@* : Sleeping...
#$^&!@*: Ou... Kuzya... Nothink))
FinansGod: OMG!Heart attack all my five hearts! *running*
#$^&!@* : Sleeping...
Boss: Alarm! Alarm! The general gathering!
Boss: Hey! Why at anybody mobile phones do not answer?
Boss: Alarm! Alarm! The general gathering!
Boss: Hey! Why at anybody mobile phones do not answer?
#$^&!@* : So yesterday birthday was. All after it sleep off.
FinansGod: OMG!Heart attack all my five hearts! *running*
#$^&!@* : What is with Kuzya? Or he remember about a debt?
Отредактировано #$^&!@* (2009-07-22 00:29:28)
#$^&!@* : So yesterday birthday was. All after it sleep off.
The Boss: Whose?
#$^&!@* : What is with Kuzya? Or his remember about a debt?
*FinansGod sharply in an offline*
Вы здесь » Pokemon RPG » Архив » ФлудНЯК!^.^